
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you have a question you would like to ask, please send it to questions@labtoipo.com with a subject line of FAQ Question.

FAQs for [QED]

  • What are Deliverables?
    The QED process is built around the delivery of a response to various requests for proof, and answers to questions. These are broken down into named deliverables that can be approved as having met the requirements. These deliverables are the components which build up to a stage completion and a sign off against all of the deliverables delivered so far, which is then recorded on the DLT. It is this systematic process, supported by associates and the PIPE Platform that improves the outcome of projects.
  • What is a Statement Of Fact?
    A Statement of Fact is usually a specific answer required to a specific question that is signed by the officers of the Protégé Company, e.g. “We have now manufactured over 1000 of product A”. Such statements should be reviewable and the acceptance of the statement may well trigger a release of funds from the Funding Schedule.
  • What is an evidence request?
    Almost every deliverable within the QED process will ask for one or more proofs or evidence requests, i.e. it is not enough to say that it has been done, how can you prove that it has been done and to what standard? This is instrumental in determining project ‘gaps’ and the associated risk profile of projects.

Your question not there?, send it to questions@labtoipo.com with a subject line of FAQ Question.